Sunday, June 2, 2013

One Perspective on Snarky Reviews

Unfortunately not everyone loves our books. It's a fact writers accept when negative opinions come from professionals, and even honest, critical amateurs. However, it appears there's a growing list of nameless customer critics out there with minds conjuring poisonous words and phrases to vent upon some hard-working author.

I'm on several lists and social media sites, and, lately, there have been several posts about bad reviews and how unfair customer opinions are. On Amazon, if you buy a trinket, you're eligible to review a book. If you're an author whose work is out there for all to read and review, you know whereof I speak.

Bad reviews are inevitable -- and for a variety of valid reasons. I review other writers' books. If I don't care for a book's plot, premise, characters, etc., I don't review it. Chances are I don't finish it. Life's too short to read something I don't enjoy. All that said, there's never a reason to give a two-star or a two-heart rating, much less a one. Others might not agree, but opinions on weightier matters differ, too.

I read a phrase from an author that stuck in my head. He called unnecessarily cruel reviews "electronic snarking." These are tirades from readers who, many times, have not even read the book. You know the type: This book was so awful I threw it against the wall. The best part about it was the cover and that wasn't good either.

If you're a small press, mid-list or indy author these rants are very damaging. The meanies may simply think they're being cute, have an ax to grind, or possess a devilish desire to bring down your star rating. Whatever the motivation,  their snarking can kill sales for a promising book. It only takes a handful of unfair opinions to dampen enthusiasm.
I would implore those with a bent to rant negatively to stop and think of the consequences to an author with whom you might enjoy drinking a cup of coffee or sharing jokes over a beer.
Also authors must constantly monitor internet customer opinion sites. It is said that we authors should not answer our critics. That's easy if you're Nora Roberts and have multi-thousand reader reviews per book, but we who toil at protecting our reputations must comment on unfair snarking, and promptly.
And now a little blatant self promotion on the subject of reviews. My coming release, THE DEVIL LAUGHED (Five Star/Gale) was reviewed by Kirkus, a giant in the world of professional reviews. That they chose my book to review out of the thousands they receive a month was good news. While not glowing (does Kirkus ever give a glowing review?) it was positive, fair, and I'm happy with it. That's all an author can ask for.
 Gerrie Ferris Finger


  1. Hi
    I agree with you on the one and two ratings. I'm in a mystery group and there are lots of one and two star reviews given. I've gotten to the point where I ignore most of their ratings. I think one of them is going for the laughs and I wish the others would not laugh at her. At the other end, too many fives although not as bad. I announced at the last meeting that I tried not to get books I wouldn't like as it is hard to be fair with the ratings. Life is too short to read what you don't like. I have given one 5 review for John Hart's The Last Child. We can split the numbers and I have given some over 4.5. I wish Amazon would put in a 4.5.

    For light cozy books my usual score is 3.5, enjoyed it but no great literature. Recently gave the usual 3.5 to a book and 2.5 to the second. The author had her character do or not do something completely out of character. I thought it was laziness on the part of the author to keep the story going.

    1. I think an overall review of 4 or 5 stars doesn't require much criticism. But below that, I think a reviewer should state why the book rated as it did, and then we should respect that opinion - like it or not.

  2. IMnotsoHO the star system is too rigid. I often want a 3.5 or a 4.5.
    so, sometimes I mention that in the review. But I don't agree authors "need" to monitor reviews and review sites except for what one might learn. I have three reviews for a book that are actually emails between the posters and have nothing to do with the book, except they are all 5stars. I can't get them removed. Who cares?
    write the next book and just ignore bad reviews, (which are different from reviews of bad books)Life is too short.

  3. I can't agree that there's no reason for one and two star reviews. If I read a book that has a decent plot and characterization but is riddled with construction issues, making it obvious the author chose not to have it properly edited, I will give it a low rating. I'll also be as clear as I can about what I think is both good and bad.

    I gave a one star to one book. That was by an author I really love but the book was nothing more than a shill for a particular product and, in my opinion, a slap in the face to his readers. Again, I was as clear as I could be with my reasons so anyone reading the review could reach their own opinion regarding the situation.

    Lelia Taylor

    1. Stating the reason for subpar reviews is essential for the author's ongoing publications.

  4. Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated.
